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Karex Driving Day III

On 27th September 2018 was held third annual corporate event Karex Driving Day in cooperation with Martin Semerad and his Driving Academy. We thank all our partners and guests for their participation and properly spent time together.

Karex Driving Day III

On 27th September 2018 was held third annual corporate event Karex Driving Day in cooperation with Martin Semerad and his Driving Academy. We thank all our partners and guests for their participation and properly spent time together.

Karex Driving Day II

Dne 10.5. 2016 se uskutečnil druhý ročník firemní akce Karex Drivig Day ve spolupráci s Martinem Semerádem a Janem Charouzem. Děkujeme všem partnerům a hostům za účast a mnoho spálených gum.


Karex a.s.

Cerekvice nad Loučnou
569 53, Czech republic

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